Is The FURminator For Real? Quick Product Review

Ever heard of the FURminator?
It's a vaguely comb-like metal piece attached to an easy-grip handle. FURminator is actually a brand name.
What does the FURminator do for your pet?
The FURminator is a type of brushing tool that will help remove dead hair from your dog or cat. More hair removed by you means less hair on the floor or your clothing.

You'll notice a great difference on Shelties, Golden Retrievers, and any other dog that tends to get those wispy, scraggly dead hairs that look messy. 

How does it work?
The FURminator uses an old trip of dog groomers known as "carding".  Groomers typically use one of the blades for their clippers to comb through a dog's coat and remove dead hair.  The process can be time-consuming and strains the wrist. The FURminator puts that same groomer's blade on a handy stick and served the public.

Will it hurt him/her?
While proper use does not hurt your pet, brushing too firmly or too often in one spot will irritate the skin. There is a blade component to this tool, but it is a safer one. 

Does it really reduce shedding?
It won't technically make your dog shed less, but it will remove a lot of the dead coat before it drops off your dog and onto the floor.

What DOESN'T it do?
It will not remove knots or matts from your dog's coat. It will not remove the dense undercoat from thick-coated breeds like Huskies or German Shepherds.

Should I get one?
This brush is best used as part of a good grooming routine, not as a shortcut to good doggy hygiene. I also recommend regular bathing, adequate diet, and other good maintenance to help reduce shedding. Using a Zoom Groom (a type of rubber doggy/kitty brush) may also be effective for short-haired breeds.

Bottom line:
For many dogs and cats, you'll definitely remove a lot of hair with a FURminator. Just be careful and don't press too hard.

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